Monday, September 25, 2017 by Martin Mavis
The Health Ranger offers prayers and blessings to all those impacted by recent hurricanes.
Podcast Transcript: “I want to take a timeout here and offer prayers to all those who have been struck by these various hurricanes that we’ve had recently. All the Texans who were harmed by hurricane Harvey and all the Floridians hurt by Hurricane Emma – and the Puerto Ricans who have been caught in hurricane Maria. Who knows what else is coming. I just want to say to everybody – from the Health Ranger and from Natural News – that we offer you our blessings and our prayers. We hope that you make it through. We hope that you recover. We hope that you don’t suffer loss of life or loss of property damage. Thankfully there was a lot less property damage in Florida than the forecast. That’s very fortunate. The number of people killed in Florida was relatively small. The property damage in Houston was catastrophic and we did what we could with the help of Natural News readers. You know we raised 63 thousand dollars in donations through the Health Ranger Store…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Health Ranger offers PRAYERS to all hurricane victims from NaturalNews on Vimeo.
Tagged Under: Tags: blessings, Health Ranger, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Maria, hurricane victims, Natural.news, prayers