Tuesday, July 11, 2017 by Mike Adams
In this era of widespread government waste, scientific fraud and dangerous cover-ups that poison the population, I’ve got a simple solution: End the EPA era of waste, fraud and abuse by letting accredited, private labs volunteer to take over water quality testing across the nation.
As you’ll see in the video below, as the founder and director of CWC Labs, I am now offering to take over nationwide water quality testing — up to 5,000 samples per year — for the grand total of just $1 per year. This would cover heavy metals and toxic elements such as lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, copper, nickel and others, and all results would be publicly posted to achieve full transparency.
This isn’t a stunt, either: It’s a serious offer from a serious lab. We are internationally accredited via ISO 17025, and we’ve already tested and published heavy metals results for over 600 municipal water samples from across America. You can view those results at the Natural Science Journal, our in-house science journal, or read my book Food Forensics where I’ve published heavy metals test results for over 800 foods, spices, dietary supplements and pet products.
Even as we all realize big government is a waste of resources, if we hope to shrink the size of bloated government, then we as private citizens need to step up and offer to take over some of the tasks currently being conducted by government agencies. The EPA wastes tens of millions of dollars a year on water quality testing while colluding with local government to conceal alarming test results like what we all recently witnessed in Flint, Michigan, where the water supply was heavily contaminated with brain-damaging lead. There, local water quality scientists who worked hand in hand with the EPA were charged with felony criminal conspiracies for hiding the truth from the public.
The EPA knew about the cover-up but did nothing. No one from the EPA was ever charged with a crime.
Why didn’t the EPA warn the public about the lead in Flint, Michigan? Why did no one at the EPA go to jail for its role in the criminal conspiracy and cover-up of that crime against the children of Flint? Why does anyone still trust the EPA to tell us the truth about what’s in our water?
Clearly, the EPA cannot be trusted when it comes to scientific integrity. America can no longer trust the EPA to conduct honest, transparent science in the public interest. So why not save the taxpayers millions of dollars and fire the incompetent, corrupt EPA division responsible for water quality testing?
My lab will handle this entire task for $1 per year. For real. That’s a serious offer to test up to 5,000 water samples per year from across America at virtually zero cost to taxpayers. (My lab will likely spend $500K or more to conduct all this testing, but I’m happy to donate this to our nation in the interests of legitimate science and public safety.)
Watch my video below and share everywhere:
Tagged Under: Tags: EPA, government waste, Health Ranger, Heavy metals, ICP-MS, Lab Testing, Mike Adams, public safety, scientific integrity, Scott Pruitt, water quality